Monday, March 10, 2008


Since Dr. Dave's Mega-O truffles made their debut a few months ago, people have been emailing me their praises. I wanted to share these with you in case that is also how YOU feel. Read on!

"The chocolates are divine!" (Food professor)

"It's like a vitamin but way better." (Singer-songwriter, athlete, age 16)

"I am finishing my daily O-3 dose (and am enjoying it immensely...). I gave one box of truffles to my assistant. Both she and I are loving them. There's nothing like being able to justify eating a pieice of chocolate with "it's good for me"!" (Attorney)

"Dear Willy Wonka. Or, would that be Dr. Willy Wonka to you?...You are brilliant. My wife is hooked." (Teacher)

"It tastes rad!" (Health food store employee)

"I (really) love these chocolates. I start my day with a truffle and a glass of soy milk, and I feel great." (Physical therapist)

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