Monday, May 4, 2009

"Are your truffles round or rectangular?"

Ahh, yes. This is a common question. I have several chocolatiers use my recipe to make the Dr. Dave's Mega-O truffles, and some prefer a classic round shape (as most of the pictures on the website) and others use rectangular molds. You may receive EITHER or BOTH, depending on your order. Just think of it as a surprise, keeping you on the edge of your seat in omega-3 expectation! 

And, the root of this "issue" is my desire to create healthy, delicious chocolates with the lowest carbon footprint possible; I use local chocolatiers for my primary markets, letting them source local ingredients as long as they adhere to my recipe parameters and ensure a daily dose of omega-3s per truffle. This keeps down shipping costs, therefore using less fuel, and supports local businesses around the U.S.

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