Friday, May 29, 2009

Dr. Dave's Mega-O mailing list

Yes, it's here! By popular request and technological evolution, I am bringing you an easy way to stay up on Dr. Dave's Mega-O info, receive updates on omega-3 fatty acid research, and have your inbox contain other interesting tidbits. 

How else would you learn that just for two weeks in May we had incredibly tasty and healthy Cayenne-Cinnamon flavored truffles? And, just before that, Chai? Or, the exciting Whole Foods Market launch? My mailing list members will be the first to learn of these developments.

To sign up, merely send an email to me:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

You can purchase Dr. Dave's Mega-O at Whole Foods starting this Saturday, May 16

The team leaders and buyers at Whole Foods have an interest in supporting local products, which led to them bringing Dr. Dave's Mega-O chocolates into the Roosevelt Square (Seattle) and Bellevue stores beginning this Saturday, May 16.

Stop by Saturday afternoon from 2-4:30 when Dr. Dave himself will be handing out samples as part of the Roosevelt Square "Loco for Local" festival. It should be an exciting event, with numerous new local products, free samples, and opportunities to learn about health, organic food, and omega-3 fatty acids. I'll see you there!

Monday, May 4, 2009

"Are your truffles round or rectangular?"

Ahh, yes. This is a common question. I have several chocolatiers use my recipe to make the Dr. Dave's Mega-O truffles, and some prefer a classic round shape (as most of the pictures on the website) and others use rectangular molds. You may receive EITHER or BOTH, depending on your order. Just think of it as a surprise, keeping you on the edge of your seat in omega-3 expectation! 

And, the root of this "issue" is my desire to create healthy, delicious chocolates with the lowest carbon footprint possible; I use local chocolatiers for my primary markets, letting them source local ingredients as long as they adhere to my recipe parameters and ensure a daily dose of omega-3s per truffle. This keeps down shipping costs, therefore using less fuel, and supports local businesses around the U.S.