Thursday, March 26, 2009

Foodzie, an on-line farmers market

I wanted to announce to all of you about a fantastic website, www., dedicated to high-quality foods from "small, passionate" growers and producers. I read about them when they were mentioned in the New York Times, and thought it was a great idea, a virtual farmers market to tide us all over until we get to a real farmers market. Since, they decided to list Dr. Dave's Mega-O truffles (thanks, Foodzie!), as well as the amazing Tootski's Toffee that my cousin Susan makes in Madison, Wisconsin. Check them out!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Economy, again

I guess the economy is on my mind (anybody else?). The Seattle Times yesterday reported about how sweets are still a part of people's lives in the U.S.  We've shed expensive dinners, lavish trips, clothing shopping sprees, and a new car, but bring on the chocolate. This news made me glad on several levels, one of which is because my dark chocolates deliver omega-3's, that all-important nutrient that other entries in this blog have been exploring. My hope that I can help all of us get our daily omega-3's in a delicious way appears to be surviving the economic downturn. If you are interested, I've posted the article's link below:

Monday, March 9, 2009

Daily Candy

Thanks to the Daily Candy Seattle ( folks for a witty summary of Dr. Dave's Omega-3 Foods' vision, deliciousness, and omega-3s. Spreading the word of omega-3 health and the options (i.e. dark-chocolate!) that are out there. Thank you!

On that note, with double-digit percentage increases in omega-3  sales each year (with more and more predicted in the years to come), many products are available. For example, this week at the large trade show called Expo West (, I would estimate that at least 10% of the 2700 vendors had omega-3 products of some type. I saw omega-3 drinks, omega-3 bars, omega-3 powders, omega-3 liquids, you name. Sometimes, it can difficult to determine which is the best, which works, which doesn't work. As I have always said, I recommend sticking to the recommendations for daily doses that come out of research groups and reputable organizations and always count milligrams of DHA and EPA in each serving. And, always ask about the source of omega-3s.