Sunday, July 17, 2011

The summer of omega-3s

Summer! It is, barring the occasional return to fall-like weather if you live in the Pacific Northwest, finallly summer, a time of cookouts, picnics, and outdoor activities. We may have more regular omega-3 consumption from a myriad of fish or meat from free-range, grass-fed animals, at the same time that we are more active and feeling those aches and pains come to life. A very interesting article came out at the end of last year. bringing together results from many different research trials on rheumatoid arthritis. The authors found good data for omega-3s helping to relieve tender points and decrease the use of pain medicines, but most effectively in the range of about 3 grams of DHA+EPA daily, and benefits usually take a few months to kick in. Most of us won't achieve that amount of DHA+EPA with an extra salmon fillet on the grill, making omega-3 supplementation still an important addition to healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. Here is a link to the article: