Thursday, July 29, 2010

Your Summer of Omega-3s

A fun, and seasonal, combination of factors finds many people getting their omega-3s from salmon on the grill, while at the same time the extreme heat in most parts of the country makes for difficult Dr. Dave's Mega-O shipping. A customer contacted us recently and her 4 boxes of Dr. Dave's Mega-O Vegetarian mocha were a congealed mass of melted, then cooled, dark chocolate, algae oil, and other ingredients. Even with cooler packs, it is very difficult to ship our products to your door in the summer and have it arrive fresh. So, Dr. Dave's Omega-3 Foods LLC is planning to stop on-line orders August 1, resuming shipping this fall (approximately mid-September), following suit with many other chocolate companies that have done the same over the years. We encourage all of you lovers of Dr. Dave's Mega-O chocolates to branch out this summer, grill some salmon on the grill, experiment with salads full of plant-based omega-3s, and await the return of our omega-3 delights this fall.
One note: for those of you in Seattle, it is still possible to purchase our products in the Whole Body section of Whole Foods Market Roosevelt Square.