Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ayurvedic omega-3 truffles?

Yes, it's true. Everybody needs omega-3's! For example, if you are Vata dominant, consider a box of Dr. Dave's Mega-O Vegetarian Orange. For the Pitta out there, lean instead towards the Dr. Dave's Mega-O Vegetarian Mint. And, last but not least, Kaphas do great with Dr. Dave's Mega-O Ginger, activating their constitution and helping on many levels. The folks at the Seattle Vida Wellness Spa (, a health and wellness center focused on the Ayurvedic doshas, now offer these versions of Dr. Dave's Mega-O truffles. So, if you are in the area, swing by, buy a box of the relevant flavor, and take advantage of all the great services they offer!